2 min read

Projects Collection

Table of Contents

Working with the projects collection

The projects collections is found in src/content/projects.

πŸ“ /src/content/projects
└── πŸ“ project-1
      └── πŸ“„ index.md
└── πŸ“ project-2
      └── πŸ“„ index.mdx

In the above example, two project posts will be generated with the folder name representing the slug.

  • https://example.com/projects/project-1
  • https://example.com/projects/project-2

Provide metadata

title: "Track-Record.co Finance";
description: "Track-Record.co Finance is an accessible theme for Astro.";
date: "2024-03-20";
draft: false;
titleYesstringTitle of the content. Used in SEO and RSS.
descriptionYesstringDescription of the content. Used in SEO and RSS.
dateYesstringMust be a valid date string (able to be parsed).
draftNobooleanIf draft: true, content will not be published.
demoURLNostringLink to live project demo, if available.
repoURLNostringLink to project repo, if available.

All that’s left to do is write the content under the metadata.

title: "Track-Record.co Finance";
description: "Track-Record.co Finance is an accessible theme for Astro";
date: "2024-03-20";
draft: false;

## Track-Record.co Finance πŸ”¬
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